Gokshura - For Strength and Stamina
Plants play a significant role in preserving human health and enhancing the quality of life. Gokshura is one such Indian ayurvedic herb, also known as “Tribulus terrestris”/Gokharu/Gokshur, obtained from the dried fruit of the Gokshura plant. Owing to the benefits it offers in men's sexual health, it is frequently referred to as "Nature's Viagra”. Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), one of the components of Dashamoola, is used a single component or in combination with other herbs in ayurvedic formulations like Gokshuradi Guggulu, Rasayana Choorna, Dashamoola Kwatha, Gokshuradi Kwatha, etc.
The following are the functions of Gokshura:
- Promotes bodybuilding
- Improves brain function
- Treats skin problems
- Helps in heart ailments
- Aids women suffering from Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Relieves urinary disorders
- Improves digestion
- Cures prostate gland disorders
- Acts as an Anti-aging agent
Benefits of Gokshura
Gokshura provides a wide range of health benefits including:
Gokshura for bodybuilding:
A supplement containing Gokshura may help people to build healthy muscles naturally by supplying the body with nutrients and minerals necessary for muscle strength when taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Gokshura for urinary disorders:
The Gokshura Choorna may help in treating urinary conditions such as urinary incontinence, painful urination, and a burning sensation while peeing. Gokshura, a mild diuretic, may relieve discomfort and burning sensation while urinating when combined with cow's milk. Gokshura has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties that may be useful in treating urinary infections.
Gokshura for kidney diseases:
Gokshura controls the level of uric acid and eliminates extra uric acid from the kidneys. The traditional Gokshura Choorna enhances kidney health and may aid in preventing kidney stone formation as well as dissolving kidney stones that already exist. It might also be effective in treating cystitis and polycystic kidney disease.
Gokshura for fertility:
One of the main benefits of Gokshura is maintaining hormonal balance. In women, it promotes normal monthly ovulation and regularizes an irregular menstrual cycle. It also helps in the treatment of PCOS by controlling size of the cyst. It is also effective in case of lactating mothers where it helps in increasing the quantity and quality of milk. In men, it increases the sex drive and stamina by boosting the testosterone levels. It also aids in erectile dysfunction, a common problem seen in men.
Gokshura for brain functioning:
The antioxidants in Gokshura help in improving concentration, relaxation, alertness, memory capacity, and overall brain functioning. The hormone serotonin, which regulates one’s emotional and mental state, is stimulated by Gokshura. Gokshura aids in the treatment of Alzheimer's and even enhances cognitive skills like logical thinking and problem-solving.
Gokshura for anti-aging:
Gokshura contains natural antioxidants and cleansers that repair oxidative free radical damage due to exposure to sun rays. When used consistently, the Gokshura mixture can aid in reducing skin problems such as age spots, fine lines, and dark circles, and other signs of aging. In addition, it also provides individuals with a smooth, charming, and renewed complexion. It may also prove beneficial in wound healing, hives, itching, and other skin infections.
Other benefits of Gokshura include:
- The paste obtained from Gokshura seeds may prevent hair loss.
- It may be helpful for treating migraine.
- It also aids in joint pains.
Side effects of Gokshura:
According to various studies, Gokshura is generally safe to use and has no major side effects. Gokshura can increase the size of men's prostate gland and upset their stomachs. Consult an Ayurvedic physician before including Gokshura in the daily diet, and exercise if an individual is suffering from any allergic conditions or ongoing illness like cancer.
How to use Gokshura
Gokshura is available in various forms like Gokshura Choorna, Gokshuradi Choorna, Gokshuradi Kwatha, Gokshura capsules, and Gokshura tablets. One can take 1-2 Gokshura tablets or capsules every day after meals (lunch and dinner). While using Gokshura Choorna or Gokharu powder, mix it with milk or water. Individuals can have Gokharu Kwatha every day in the early morning on an empty stomach.
Side effects of Gokshura
According to various studies, Gokshura is generally safe to use and has no major side effects. Gokshura can increase the size of men's prostate gland and upset their stomachs. It is important to seek expert advice before consuming Gokshura products, if one has a previous history of any allergic conditions or ongoing illness such as cancer.
Despite its various health benefits, Gokshura has some mild side effects too. So, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic physician to know further information on how Gokshura can be beneficial and helpful as we age, before including it in one’s daily diet.